Tuesday, 17 January 2012

You only have One chance to make a Good First Impression!!

Tips For Preparing Your Home For Showings
  • Tidy up the porch/decks and garage. Keep the lawn trimmed and edged. Make sure that your yard is clean.  When showing in the winter make sure snow is cleared and walkways are free of ice.
  • Your front door adds to that first impression - be sure it is clean or repainted if necessary.
  • Wash windows and clean/dust window coverings.
  • If any decorating or painting is needed (especially in the kitchen), do it now! Forty dollars worth of paint will make a difference in the sales price.
  • Bathrooms help sell homes. Make them sparkle.
  • Replace burnt out bulbs and turn on the lights for all showings. Illumination is like a welcome sign.
  • Wash dishes/turn on dishwasher, make beds, put away clothes and straighten up.
  • Keep pets out of the way during showings – as some people are allergic to them.
  • Leave the showing to the Realtor.  The Realtor knows the buyer’s requirements and can best emphasize the features of your home.  If possible, leave the house during a showing.
  • Don’t discuss anything about the sale with a potential customer.  Let your Realtor discuss price, terms, possession and other items concerning the sale.   Your Realtor is qualified to bring negotiations to a favorable conclusion.
  • Pack away valuables, store extra furniture and knick-knacks.
  • Look at your home objectively. Pretend you are seeing it for the first time, through a buyer’s eyes.

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